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Chinese translation for "how did this come about"


Related Translations:
how:  adv.1.怎样,怎么(=in what manner); 用什么手段、方法(=by what means) 〔疑问副词和连接副词两用〕。 H- does he do it 他是怎样做的? Ask him how he does it.问问他是怎样做的。 H- did it happen 事情怎么发生的? He does not know how to swim. 他不知道
how about:  你觉得怎么样如何怎样怎麽样
how come:  为何,…是怎么回事为什麽怎么会,为什么怎莫会这样怎麽
Example Sentences:
1.How did this come about
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